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Exploring Machu Picchu: An Essential Beginner's Handbook

If you were in the first half of the 16th century, any plateau in the impressive majestic mountains of the Andes with two lying green crags would be the setting of the great city where the Inca Empire was going to be built. On the contrary, the fact that the Spaniards failed to discover the stargate despite their efforts depicts the underlying truth of the landmark.  The abandoned had only to hope on rain and sunshine for shelter.  Which, by chance, had being been found by a Bingham expedition in a 1911 trip as well.  On the other side, Machu Picchu , a fortress City built on the top of an amazing natural area surrounded by colossal mountains had the privilege not be able to be reached by other ways than foot or by train which perfectly fit their Godlike scenery.  The Seven wonders of the world today are symbolized as the reminiscence of this its architect's achievements. My Machu Picchu highlights Not everyone may know about Machu Picchu whether it really worth its name or not.  T