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Showing posts with the label salkantay tours

Salkantay Trail: An Incredible Machu Picchu Adventure

There are different ways to access the famous Machu Picchu, but being well motivated to realize this dream, I wanted to play it hard and get there thanks and only to the sweat of my brow. The Salkantay trek was therefore what suited me. Trekking: Salkantay Trek Duration: 5 days One of my wildest dreams was to visit Machu Picchu, and I decided to make that dream come true in December during a trip to South America with my boyfriend. So yes, December is not the best season, but there are opportunities not to be missed and this is one of them. We had to try and see if the Pacha Mama would be with us or not. Arrived in Cusco, we agreed: We go there in MAR-CHANT. Rather adventurous, sporty, and in love with Andean landscapes, it was a challenge for me to do the Salkantay Trekking . Top of the hike Duration : 5 days Country : Peru Difficulty : Medium Distance : 95km Ascent : 1000 m Additional information : Possible snow, Remains, Panorama, Lake Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu 5 Days The alarm

Salkantay Trek FAQ’s

If you decided to do the Salkantay trek, chances are you will have some duas. To help you solve them, we have compiled frequently asked questions from our travelers ¿It is recommended to do the Salkantay trek? Without a doubt, the Salkantay trek is known as the best alternative route to Machu Picchu, it could even be said that it is better than the world famous Inca Trail . This adventurous hike comes with some challenges, but you will be rewarded with the most incredible views and fantastic experiences you have ever had. ¿The Salkantay route is difficult? The salkantay trek to Machu Picchu is a moderate to challenging trek. The most difficult part of the route is the second day, when you ascend to Abra Salkantay (4,600 m.s.n.m). It is a 3-hour ascent considered a real challenge for travelers, due to its high altitude On day 1 in the afternoon, the walk is relatively demanding when going up to the Humantay lagoon, days 3 and 4 are calmer because they have long descents along