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Salkantay Trail: An Incredible Machu Picchu Adventure

There are different ways to access the famous Machu Picchu, but being well motivated to realize this dream, I wanted to play it hard and get there thanks and only to the sweat of my brow. The Salkantay trek was therefore what suited me.

Trekking: Salkantay Trek

Duration: 5 days

One of my wildest dreams was to visit Machu Picchu, and I decided to make that dream come true in December during a trip to South America with my boyfriend. So yes, December is not the best season, but there are opportunities not to be missed and this is one of them. We had to try and see if the Pacha Mama would be with us or not. Arrived in Cusco, we agreed: We go there in MAR-CHANT. Rather adventurous, sporty, and in love with Andean landscapes, it was a challenge for me to do the Salkantay Trekking.

Top of the hike

  • Duration: 5 days
  • Country: Peru
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Distance: 95km
  • Ascent: 1000 m
  • Additional information: Possible snow, Remains, Panorama, Lake
Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu 5 Days

The alarm clock at 4:30 am stung, but in view of the adventure that awaits us, it is only a detail. A small bus picked us up with the rest of the group already to take us to a small village a few hours from Cusco to have breakfast there. Once eaten, we go back in there for another one or two hours, then we are left at a certain point where that's it, the trek can begin. Luck is with us, we start the trek with a great sun.

We arrive around 1 p.m. at the camp which is located at the foot of Lake Humantay, we drop off our belongings and we are served the meal. Very sincerely, as a vegetarian, I was afraid of being a little limited, but not at all. The food was good, and always with a different vegetarian option!

So we walked some 15km for this first day. It was not particularly difficult, rather quiet so far. The landscape? A green landscape, and already very pretty. After eating, the guide offers us to go up to the famous lake, of course we want! The climb looks SCARY, we are not going to lie to each other. But come on, let's get started, after all, tomorrow is the worst day, so we're going to do a little training!

Results: Ok, I'm scared. The climb was hard, the altitude is felt, and he tells us that tomorrow, a drop of a few small 800m awaits us... And of the same kind... We breathe, we'll be fine. Moreover, the view, this lake, this landscape, we are only on the first day, but I already have my eyes full. It is an incredible, magical place. We could stay there for hours, unfortunately it is getting late and it is already time to go down.

OUCH, while we eat, and all night it rained.. Pacha Mama please, could you spare us tomorrow?

From the beginning we have been told that the second day would be the most physical, why? On the program: Elevation of 800m, arrived at 4700m (hello cold, hello altitude), and some 25km of walking. Oh, and a gift from mother nature, here I am with cramps… Hello period. It's really the challenge day today, are we going to make it?

Salkantay Trek

This morning, another early awakening, objective -> Start the trek at 6am. Honestly, my fitness and my buddy's are night and day, but we've both been successful. I carried the bag a little more uphill because in the end he couldn't take it anymore, but with this magnificent landscape next to me, it was not a problem. The day was not as sunny as the day before, but as long as there is no rain, everything is fine. Well, it rained when we had lunch, but we were able to resume walking without rain, that's the main thing.

The climb: It was tough. It is important to keep in mind that you have to go at your own speed, and the guide told us that too. It is not a competition. We climbed slowly, but surely. The view at the top was a bit overcast, but we still got to see the Humantay and Salkantay glaciers. Fabulous.

The descent: We passed by a small lake, and once again, incredible scenery. The color of the water is striking, a turquoise blue between snow-capped mountains. The descent is more pleasant and more enjoyable than the ascent, and it's amazing how you can go from a white landscape, to a completely green landscape, then to the forest!

Today was a total of 25km of walking, and even if the blisters on the feet are felt, everything is fine for now, the big day is getting closer! And to celebrate, it will be shower, and hot! A real luxury.

Ah… Did I say everything was fine? What would a trip to Peru be without indigestion. Come on, this is for me!

Salkantay Trekking

Today is a late morning, we don't leave until 7am, and we only have 13km planned! A bit overcast day, but we are in the Amazonian part, so for me it goes hand in hand, and it creates a magnificent atmosphere. We walk quietly, it's essentially downhill and it's nice after the day yesterday. We cross fields of granadilla, and we end up stopping at a farmer and ice cream maker. They are simple, but very good! A small bus is supposed to pick us up to take us to tonight's camp. I who only wanted to walk, I must admit that it was still nice to drive a bit with this landscape. We decide to spend the afternoon at the camp and take a nap there. Two reasons: Tonight is NEW YEAR, and tomorrow is the last day of the trek. We wanted to be in good shape, and for tonight, and for the next day, and we don't regret it! From the group of the first day, we stayed 6 + the guide. It will be a new year in a small committee. After eating, we go shopping for fireworks, grapes and pisco (traditional Peruvian alcohol). A little before midnight, head for the main square with our 12 grapes (to eat at every stroke of the bell at midnight). 3… 2… 1… FELIZ AÑO! Here we are in 2020, lost in the middle of Peru, celebrating the New Year with people who 3 days ago did not know us. One of my best New Years.

Just a little more effort ! It was our last night in a tent/sleeping bag, we are almost sad. Tonight, we sleep in Aguas Calientes, the famous! We have the choice: Take a taxi, zip line, or walk. Is it worth asking the question? So close to the goal, we keep the rhythm. Plus, it's really hot today, so let's keep going! Good on the other hand, the guide had told us that it would be easy. The heat must have made the trek a little less easy, and perhaps also the aches are felt. We basically walked on a road, but along a river and surrounded by mountains. I can't repeat myself enough, but it was still amazing scenery. Our guide was waiting for us at hydroeletrica, at the start of the famous train tracks. During the hike, we passed by one or two signs with the writing “MACHU PICCHU” but it is these rails that I have seen so many photos that made me realize that THIS IS IT, we are getting there, we are there, he is there, we are there, and as a bonus? A beautiful sun. Don't go there in December, are you sure? We find our two teammates to eat, those with whom we will ride tomorrow. The rest left for other projects.

Salkantay Trail to Machu Picchu

We resume walking along the famous rails. We see wild birds, it sings from all sides, it's green, there are mountains, it's beautiful, it's sunny, we're tired, but I already have stars in my eyes. The hours pass, and the weather turns… Here we are, yes, it is the rainy season. We don't let the drops of water get us down, we put on our raincoats and presto! Anyway, we're almost there. The drops of water turn into a deluge, and there I say to myself: Why didn't I take spare pants?. My pants are soaked.

We finally arrive in Aguas Calientes after 20km of walking, where we will spend the night in a hotel, and be able to take a shower, and hot, really, what a luxury! It is also the last day with our guide.

With our two teammates, we make the decision to meet tomorrow at 4:30 am in the hotel lobby. WHY ? -> To access the 1900 steps (and 550m drop) that give us access to Machu Picchu, we have to cross a bridge, and it only opens at 5am, and we want to arrive before all the buses full of tourists.

D-DAY: Ok, it feels good to sleep in a bed, we're not going to lie to each other. We are all so excited that the alarm clock passes quietly. On the other hand, what does not pass is the incredible downpour. No choice, when you have to go, you have to go. My pants haven't really dried the day before… Too bad, we're going to rely on the raincoat.

Salkantay Trekking Peru

We start to walk again in the night, and under a deluge, which I hope will eventually pass. As expected, we arrive a little before the opening of the bridge, it opens, we cross it, and start climbing the steps and still in the rain. I already feel soaked, but that's okay, the important thing is to keep the vibes going, because climbing those steps isn't going to be easy. My boyfriend can't take it anymore, he's tired, it's raining, he has no more strength. I try to motivate him as much as possible but it's hard. Finally, I continue alone, he decides to go up to his speed that I can not follow. I would wait for him upstairs, too bad. Climbing the stairs in the rain does not mean admiring the landscape. The rain has brought back mist, we only see clouds, we don't see anything else, as if we were surrounded by clouds, it's spectacular!! At times some mountains appear between the mist, and it is just as beautiful.

6:10 am, here I am in front of the entrance, I'm waiting for my boyfriend who must be a little behind. Here it is! I am finally ready to live my dream, Machu Picchu, one of the 7 wonders of the world. I'm tired and soaked, it's raining, but it doesn't matter, I'm there, and I intend to enjoy!

Salkantay trek to Machu Picchu

In total: 25km of walking for today, between the walks, the visit, and the return to hydroeletrica. We arrive in Cusco tired, but on cloud nine.


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